Discover our Health and Wellness programme in Cascina (PI)

The Health and Wellness programme includes a short or long stay based on peace and quiet, walks in the open Tuscan countryside, natural nutrition, regenerating sleep, in a fulfilling and reassuring environment.

The scheduled programme may include, upon request, study meetings concerning alternative medicine, bio-architecture, and consultations by holistic practitioners and specialists in naturopathy, osteopathy, radionics, nutrition, and research on the person of pollutants (incompatibilities, food intolerances, electromagnetic pollution or geopathic disorders).

As a result of the above research, specific programmes can be identified to harmonise problems encountered through counselling and therapy, creating a harmonious balance between environment and organism.

This is the programme that Villa Maya aims to bring into the third millennium: a man closer to his true nature, healed, purified, aware and... FREE

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